Rising summer temperatures are turning areas of Greece into wildfire hotspots. The Foundation’s project is deploying high-tech fire detection systems to help identify wildfire threats in forests around the Greek city of Xanthi – before they rage out of control.

Summer 2023 saw forest fires devastate 90,000 hectares of Dadia forest in the Greek province of Thrace, also threatening the nearby city of Xanthi.

With implementing partner Space Hellas SA, the focus of this project is the expansion of electronic early-warning and monitoring systems in fire-prone forests. These AI-supported systems – sensors, cameras and special software – will enable the earlier detection of potential future forest fires and improve tracking of their spread.

Additionally, the project includes investments in replenishing the municipal fire brigade’s critical equipment, which was severely damaged during the 2023 fires, and the construction of water-storage tanks within the forest, closer to potential wildfire outbreak locations.

This new infrastructure aims to reduce the risks of future catastrophic forest fires, protecting both the city of Xanthi and the vital ecosystem of the nearby forests.

Key numbers



Countries where we have supported our partners’ work in response to a growing range of threats to life and livelihood


Million USD invested since 2001 to help communities better prepare for – and recover from – natural and man-made disasters


Projects addressing a broad range of challenges, including mine-clearance, emergency shelter, resilient housing solutions and capacity building

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We support measures that increase the preparedness of communities threatened by natural disasters. We assist in project design and implementation and promote risk awareness and community collaboration.


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We promote projects that help communities recover from the impact of disasters and strengthen their resilience – rebuilding lives and livelihoods as quickly and sustainably as possible.

About us

Established in 2001, the JTI Foundation is a charitable organization registered under Swiss law and financially endowed by JT International SA.

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