While Cambodia’s long-running civil conflict drew to a close in the 1990s, it remains one of the most mine-afflicted countries in the world.
Mines and Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) pose major humanitarian challenges – hindering access to land, water sources, roads and public services – also imposing financial and emotional hardship on families caring for landmine survivors.

Since beginning mine clearance operations in 2016, APOPO has successfully – and to wide public acclaim – pioneered the training and deployment of Mine Detection Rats (MDR) and Technical Survey Dogs (TSD) to identify and clear mines and ERW in Cambodia.

APOPO is a long-term partner, and the JTI Foundation is now supporting what is effectively a third phase of APOPO’s program in the country. In addition to the core detection and clearance work in four mine-affected regions of Cambodia, the scope of APOPO’s program has widened to include explosive ordnance risk education for local communities, and providing assistance to victims of landmines.

Over the three-year life of this phase of the program, APOPO anticipates clearing nearly 14 million square meters of contaminated land, benefitting 16,000 individuals directly – while a further 36,000 people could benefit indirectly as, for example, opportunities in the local tourism industry increase.

Key numbers



Countries where we have supported our partners’ work in response to a growing range of threats to life and livelihood


Million USD invested since 2001 to help communities better prepare for – and recover from – natural and man-made disasters


Projects addressing a broad range of challenges, including mine-clearance, emergency shelter, resilient housing solutions and capacity building

Other projects

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Do you have a project in mind?

The JTI Foundation works with some of the most renowned organizations in the fields of disaster risk management and disaster response. If you think you have a project that meets our criteria, please use this link to complete an application.


We support measures that increase the preparedness of communities threatened by natural disasters. We assist in project design and implementation and promote risk awareness and community collaboration.


We invest in partnerships that allow us to provide rapid and effective support to victims in the immediate aftermath of disasters, including droughts, earthquakes, floods, famines and armed conflicts.


We promote projects that help communities recover from the impact of disasters and strengthen their resilience – rebuilding lives and livelihoods as quickly and sustainably as possible.

About us

Established in 2001, the JTI Foundation is a charitable organization registered under Swiss law and financially endowed by JT International SA.

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