Mines and Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) pose major humanitarian challenges – hindering access to land, water sources, roads and public services – also imposing financial and emotional hardship on families caring for landmine survivors.
Since beginning mine clearance operations in 2016, APOPO has successfully – and to wide public acclaim – pioneered the training and deployment of Mine Detection Rats (MDR) and Technical Survey Dogs (TSD) to identify and clear mines and ERW in Cambodia.
APOPO is a long-term partner, and the JTI Foundation is now supporting what is effectively a third phase of APOPO’s program in the country. In addition to the core detection and clearance work in four mine-affected regions of Cambodia, the scope of APOPO’s program has widened to include explosive ordnance risk education for local communities, and providing assistance to victims of landmines.
Over the three-year life of this phase of the program, APOPO anticipates clearing nearly 14 million square meters of contaminated land, benefitting 16,000 individuals directly – while a further 36,000 people could benefit indirectly as, for example, opportunities in the local tourism industry increase.

Countries where we have supported our partners’ work in response to a growing range of threats to life and livelihood
Million USD invested since 2001 to help communities better prepare for – and recover from – natural and man-made disasters
Projects addressing a broad range of challenges, including mine-clearance, emergency shelter, resilient housing solutions and capacity building